
“ You are unique, and if that is not fulfilled , then something has been lost..”

Martha Graham

” Inspiration is the process of doing, it’s not a feeling or emotion, but rather a call to action perpetuated by decision.”

Mark R. Eliason

It has taken me many years to come to this realization. Decades can pass you by if you wait around for the feeling or emotion to motivate you into the act of creating. The understanding that natural, innate abilities are of no consequence if you’re not willing to put in the work, happened for me in 2017. Since that date, I have been doggedly pursuing the expression of creativity thru my art on a daily basis. In the past few years I have found myself experimenting with various styles and mediums. My 2017 self artistic renaissance started out with hyperealistic graphite on paper drawings, oil and acrylic paintings, and eventually has progressed into mixed media and collage. My most recent work has been concentrated mainly on a series of Pop Surrealistic collages. These collages take between 120-175 hrs to complete. They are painstakingly made from thousands of small recycled magazine images, that are glued to a plywood substrate. The magazine scraps are basically (pigment) that I use to tell my visual story. Most rewarding aspect with theses collages, is seeing the enjoyment people have in searching out the tiny details, nuance and ( Easter eggs ) that are hidden in plain sight within the overall composition of the piece. And ultimately, that’s what art is all about for myself, making something that someone else finds a little enjoyment in looking at.

Please contact for pricing or commission inquiries. Eliason84@msn.com.

Instagram : Eliason84

Twitter: @honestom
